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Work on the disaster recovery plan is complete and the documents have been handed over. I have now been contracted to keep documentation up to date, ensure the testing schedule is adhered to and review everything after a year. It is anticipated this will all take 20 to 30 days.
This means I am now available to take on new challenges; I would particularly relish undertaking some more disaster recovery planning.Posted: Sunday 3 May 2015 -
The disaster recovery work is drawing to a close. The final product has been well received. The main plan is a set of flipcharts, with a complementary manual with useful information.
The next phase is to update the operations manual and relevant policies.
Busy times!Posted: Friday 3 April 2015 -
1 February, a beautiful sunny day, was spent in a room with five other people grappling with the future of a recycling company which lost the Council contract a year ago. Some tough decisions had to be made, and were.
Now we wait and see what the results of those decisions are.Posted: Sunday 8 February 2015 -
My contract on the disaster recovery plan (drp) has been extended to the end of April 2015, but I am still available for other contracts, as the work on the drp wil fall increasingly on the client.Posted: Tuesday 9 December 2014
The provision of a disaster recovery plan is continuing. It is quite exciting because the actual "to do" part of the plan will be on laminated flip sheets - much more likely to be used than having to read through a huge document!Posted: Monday 3 November 2014
Six weeks away meant quite a backlog of emails etc to clear on my return.
All now done, so the way is clear to concentrate on helping a client prepare an IS Disaster Recovery Plan. This is challenging but exciting too.Posted: Sunday 5 October 2014 -
I have been travelling extensively in the UK and US since 17 July, hence no updates since the beginning of July, and nothing to add now, other than to say I had a wonderful time:)Posted: Monday 1 September 2014
I have been having discussions with various colleagues about the risk assessment I offer, and all agree the methodology is probably unique to New Zealand. When I return from my UK and USA visit I plan to revamp the advertising for the service to emphasise this.Posted: Wednesday 2 July 2014
Despite targeting what we thought would be our most likely audience (the over 60s) sales have been poor, and it is unlikely the 2015 tour will now go ahead, unless bookings pick up dramatically. MAybe everyone is going to the UK later next year for the World Cup?!Posted: Monday 2 June 2014
This week saw the launch of the project and it is good to get "back to my roots" ie troubleshooting and assessing the way forward.
I have also been approached about risk assessment, and plan to put together more information on how I do such assessments, so watch this space.Posted: Sunday 4 May 2014 -
I have recently been awarded a contract to undertake a review of a public sector body which will probably be full time for the next few months, so I am unlikely to be able to take on any other work until September.However, please still contact me if you would like me to help you and we can work something out,provided your need is not too urgent.Posted: Wednesday 2 April 2014
This past month has seen me grabbing as many networking opportunities as possible. This has brought some interest in risk assessment and proofreading
assignments.Posted: Monday 3 March 2014 -
I have recently been accepted by the Insolvency and Trustee Service as a supervisor for people filing an SIO (Summary Instalment Order.) I have my first client and am finding it challenging but stimulating.
Proofreading work is still hard to come by - everyone needs it but no-one wants to pay for it:)Posted: Tuesday 4 February 2014 -
I have just been enjoying the lovely weather this month, getting nice and brown while getting the vege garden in order.
Work has mainly been financially based.
Silly season over now and so I am hoping to get back into the swing of things doing more proofreading and writing. But work proofreading is thin on the ground at the moment:(Posted: Monday 6 January 2014 -
Actually I've done a lot of travelling since the last news. Had a week in Melaka, Malaysia; my first visit to the country, hopefully won't be the last. Then over to Melbourne for the Ring Cycle. Out of this world.
But I am now doing more writing too. Am now doing a monthly blog for Eldernet, plus a monthly blurb for Alzheimers Kapiti Blokes Group.
Am also starting to get my head round the changes coming in for accounting for not-for-profit entities. So lots of variety still:)Posted: Monday 9 December 2013 -
This month I have been writing articles for a variety of Websites, as well as posting answers to a wide range of questions, such as "how do I do a screen save?" and " Is Kate Moss pregnant?"
When not doing that I have been producing a PowerPoint presentation of the UK tour and am now looking for groups who would like to hear it:)Posted: Monday 4 November 2013 -
I spent the day on a stall at the above with the Managing Director of tourwithusnow and a previous client on the "Leisurely Tour of the UK." There was much interest in the upcoming tours, plus some requests to start doing tours in New Zealand too, so watch this space. ElderNet is going to put a link on its page to and also invited me to do a semi-regular blog for its own Website.Posted: Tuesday 1 October 2013
18 months since last post - memo to self - must do better:(
Have been busy surviving earthquakes and a move to North Island, plus trips to the UK and China, amongst others.
Workload was quite heavy, mainly doing policy reviews and writing operational manuals.
Have had a quiet few weeks letting myself settle in - now onwards and upwards:)Posted: Monday 9 September 2013 -
Can't believe I have posted no news since July.
Anyway, my email was hacked, so I have reduced the information on the "Contact us" page just in case the lowlife tries to steal my identity. Information is with the police who are hopeful - we know one of the gang is in Madrid - fingers crossed we nail them and spare others from the wasted time I have suffered.Posted: Friday 20 January 2012 -
Today I took a helicopter flight over the CBD. Whilst surprised so many tall buildings are still standing I was deeply saddened by the empty spaces, the piles of rubble, the lack of people and vehicles. Kia kaha Christchurch.
More photos on Paris/Rome pagePosted: Sunday 17 July 2011 -
Saturday and Sunday spent soaking up more Rome culture. On Saturday all went to go round the Vatican, except me. Lots of police and helicopters near the hotel - went to see why and found Pope conducting mass at local Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore!! Forgot my camera:((Posted: Monday 13 June 2011